Saturday, September 15, 2012

Literature of the Sea - Field Trip

Wednesday, Sept. 3

Our "History of the Sea" field trip was today.
Our professor, Erika, had arranged a sailing barge trip to reenact part of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.  A friend with whom she worked for several years in the West Indies, is a sailor and a Conrad expert. He will talk to us after the enactment.  

We took the train from Southampton to Portsmouth and boarded a large old-fashioned looking barge with big square sails. The students had fun raising the sails and climbing the rigging.  The weather was beautiful so it was a very pleasant sail from the dock over to the Isle of Wight. I thought I saw seagulls skimming the water, but they turned out to be the sails of many ships in a regatta at Cowes.

Only one of us had managed to memorize our part of the reenactment of Conrad, but that really didn't matter as it was just an excuse to have a fun day.Erika's friend was a charming gentleman. He gave us a lecture which I am sure was interesting - but I fell asleep. 

Note:   Some minor problems in my life. I brought the wrong cord to attach to my camera to unload pictures.  I did not know that one can take out the memory card and it attaches to the computer.  I also forget my pin number to my ATM account so have no money!!!  Hopefully that can be rectified soon.  Then my Kindle broke.  Why or how I don't understand.  I will have to return it to Amazon when  get back.  In the meantime I shall have to use the Kindle on my computer so that is also not a major disaster.

Thursday will be another day of rest.  If I pace myself this way I don't get too tired!

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